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ESG Explainer is a site dedicated to educating people about responsible investing and dispelling myths found online about ESG and the political agendas affecting our money and our financial futures. This is a project of Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF) and Take On Wall Street (TOWS).

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit coalition of more than 200 civil rights, community-based, consumer, labor, small business, investor, faith-based, civic groups, and individual experts. We fight for a fair and just financial system that contributes to shared prosperity for all families and communities.

Take on Wall Street, founded in 2016, is a coalition of nonprofit organizations and labor unions working to build a better financial system for white, Black, and brown working families, not big Wall Street banks.

This site takes you from the basics of ESG to how investing responsibly can affect our future as Americans and within our communities. 

We are not financial advisors, and the information on this site should not be taken as financial advice. 

If you are worried about what you are seeing in the news about policies that may affect your investments, find out how you can take action here

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